也不是這麼說拉~ 就是學生操刀囉
不過剪之前都有問老師 老師說ok 才開始動刀
剪出來 我很滿意
溝通不太良囉 就是簡單講一講
I went to TONI & GUY today, you can cut your hair in there.
That's their website
My model appointment was 1:45PM,
I've checked my name already on their list.
Then there were many people, almost were woman, just 3 Asia faces.
I thought lots of asia students know that information...
I was wrong.
Anyway we were in the lined, we have checked and have paid £5.
£5!! equaling is NT 250!! cheap!!
Some of us were waiting for someone picked us up,
beacause they have asked "Do you wanna cut shorter?"
I asked "No, I'd like to keep long."
Then they asked another, if they said "yeah"
They were picked up soon.
So I suppose they prefer people to cut more.
Then I went to the upstair by the left.
A cute but a little fat girl picked my up.
How do you like to cut your hair?
(Sorry, I can't totally repeat the coversation..)
I said "My hair is too heavy, keep long and make it lightly"
"And I'd like to be cute and messy style."
Are you a 30 yrs girl? (The voice just in my mind.)
So I've got a new hair style. ^^
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