2008年10月28日 星期二

Which of the people in the 3 situations have made the wrong career move? why?

Which of the people in the 3 situations have made the wrong career move? why?

Definitely, it's Kevin, he has made the wrong career move. Because he quit his job. If you do something and get a bit lonely sometimes, it's not a good choice. I admit housework is not easy, you need to be well-organised and work long hours, actually it is a whole day when your children need you. It's a challenging job as well. But as I say, you must do the job that makes you happy.

Clare and the couple, Lorna and Lan, they were eventually satisfied. It's the attitude that I like.

TV is better nowadays than it used to be?

TV is better nowadays than it used to be. Do you agree with? Compare your opinions.

I suppose TV is better nowadays than it used to be. But it depends on What kind of TV programs. There are more and more entertainment TV programs on TV. I like to watch things like that. I dislike watching political TV programs. They try to affect people's thoughts. We don't know whether it's better to unite or be independent.

Nowadays, almost every country has reality shows, including Taiwan. There is a famous reality show for singers. The name is called The Stage Of Super Star. It is now in its fourth series.

2008年10月22日 星期三


Some of people from interpals that is a website were flirting with me by messages.

Are you happy so far?

I love all kinds of toast from all over the world.

I listen to music on average more than one hour a day.

go out and eat together=to take someone out=to have lunch

Anne of Green Gables
Canadian/1908/Lucy Maud Montgomery
Published in 1908 (Died in 1965, 43 years old.)
Who's the writer?
Lucy Mand Montgomery.
What's the topic?
The topic is Anne of Green Gables.
Is it famous?
Yes, it is, it had been made into a film and a play in Canada. Actaully, I watched it in Taiwan, maybe 10 years ago, it's a old drama.
Where does it take place?
It takes place in Canada.
Who are the main charactors?
Anne and a boy whose name I've forgotten.
What exactly is the content?
It's about a girl, she has no family, she is lonely and lived with other children in the same situation as her. And if you have more time, I can tell you more.

2008年10月21日 星期二

Black Tuesday!


Today, I felt upset. I paid something in the supermarket, used the auto service machine, I had not noticed and clicked the wrong buttom and then I lost 10 pounds. I just wondered but I had not checked again or ask the staff in the supermarket, so when I went home and asked my flatmates and she suggested me to back the supermart but it was too late.

And then, I decided today was my BLACK Tuesday, when I got angry or sad, I will drawing something. it's my friend, Grey's character. You see! Angry face as me. I putted my style on.
anyway I felt better. lol

I decided cutting my budget due to this reason. 8 pounds / per week SO TOUGH!


cooking sauce! 廣東醬 甜的
把麵煮滾之後 沖冷水 再煮滾一次 Q的不得了 超滿意!!


cooking sauce! SOSO


這專業了 用咖哩塊就是不一樣 但是貴

五塊就花了1.多磅 這次煮一塊 下次要久一點再用

我住在這裡附近 早上真的很恐怖 滿滿都是人 特別愛那時鐘 滿滿的復古味 不囉唆的請你走快點 ^^ 我可是在倫敦的死人骨頭貴的英國首都呢

Discuss any major problem affecting young people in your country

It was my writting and my teacher corrected it for me.

Discuss any major issue/problem affecting young people in your country. Suggest some advice. Get ideas from Maslow's Pyramid.

In Taiwan, young people spend a lot of time studying, they don't focus on what they are interested in at school or at college as well. When they graduate, they get confused, what do they want to do? The school doesn't teach people to choose something they are interested in. it affects their career, for example, we usually work for a while and then we find that our profession is not what we really want to do. Your life will totally change because you are not advised what is it that we really want.

People pay attention to reputation. Being a doctor or a lawyer is what society expects, so young people need to know what are important for themselves.


2008年10月18日 星期六

What do you prefer working at home or office? Why?

It was my writting and my teacher corrected it for me.

What do you prefer working at home or office? Why?

I prefer working at home. But I think that we need social life. When I was working at home, I rarely went out during working time. My relatives always asked me why you didn't working. I just told them, I'm working at home. They wondered how come! It's hard to describe what exactly is my job. I admitted that I felt lonely when I was working at home. Although I had my family around me, but you don't have any real collegues, using msn messenger is ok to contact your collegues, but you don't know their exactly thoughts, you can't see them in person. you can find the distance between you and your collegues and your boss, it's further than if you were in the office.

Sometimes I cheated my boss, something like that I went out but didn't tell my boss. And I always had messy hair when I was working at home!

2008年10月16日 星期四

NO.35 Jermyn Street

NO. 35 Jermyn Street (BY CITY WALKS-LONDON)

This walk, taken by London's finest gentlemen, passes through streets full of tailors, tobacconists, and exclusive clubs.

TUBE: Green Park

From the tube station turn toward the unmistakable Ritz Hotel (150 Piccadilly) and stroll under its concrete arches. Turn right on St. James's Street. On the opposite of the road is the unassuming entrance to White's (#37), London's oldest and most exclusive club, open since 1753. Take a left on Ryder Street and another left on Bury Street. Stop in for a cocktail at Quaglino's (#16), restaurateur Terence Conran's stylish subterranean eatery, complete with cigarette girls and piano players. Take a right on Jermyn Street, lined with tailors and shirt shops, including Thomas Pink (#86). On the right-hand side is Taylor of Bond St. (#74), around since 1854 and known for its badger-bristle shaving brushes. At Dunhill's (#48) on the street look into the Piccadilly Arcade, guarded by a bronze statue of the ultimate Jermyn Street man, Beau Brummel, who said, "To be truly elegant, one should not be noticed." On the northeast corner of Jermyn and Duke Streets is the back entrance to Fortnum and Mason (181 Piccadilly), where you can buy the finest jellies and jams in the world. Afternoon tea on the fourth floor is recommended. Past St. James's Church, turn right onto Duke of York Street. Keep right around St. James's Square, passing the private London Library (#14). Exit the square and turn left onto Pall Mall, following it past the statue of of Florence Nightingale. Follow Pall Mall all the way to Trafalgar Square. Ahand of you, high atop a column, is the one-armed gentleman, Lord Nelson, who looks out at the many entrances to the Charing Cross Underground.

The Jermyn Street is for man, is not for woman, I'm not interested on it. Eventually I like Greek Park a lot. People are relax on the grass. it looks like I don't need to consider I have NO MONEY to stay in LONDON.

NO. 24 Piccadilly to Regent Street

NO. 24 Piccadilly to Regent Street (BY CITY WALKS-LONDON)

This trio of London streets-Regent, Carnaby, and Savile Row-has been synonymous with London fashion for centuries. This walk ends at one of the best views in central London.

TUBE: Piccadilly Circus

It's never dark in Piccdilly, thanks to the dazzling neon signs, a fixture since Edwardian times. The little archer above the fountain in the middle of Piccadilly Circus is commonly known as Eros, although he's really the angel of Christian charity. Walk along curving Regent Street, Britain's first shopping street, designed by John Nash in 1812. Turn left on Vigo Street and right onto Savile Row, still the home of bespoke tailoring. Davies and Sons has been around since 1803, but Grieves & Hawkes was there first, in 1785. No. 3 was the site of the Beatles record label, Apple. On its rooftop the Feb Four gave their last live gig. Turn right onto Conduit Street, cross Regent Street, then take Foubert's Place past men's designer Ted Baker to Carnaby Street, and turn left. Although the street is no longer the beating pulse of all things cool as it was in the Swinging Sixties, it's still worth traversing once. Jog left on Great Marlborough before turning right on Argyll, which leads past the Palladium theatre. Cross through Oxford Circus onto Regent Street and continue to All Souls Church and, next to it, the Art Deco BBC Broad-casting House. Tucked into the short Langham Place is the St. Georges Hotel Use the elevator in the lobby with a sign on it dedicated to the Heights bar and ride it to the fitteenth floor where the bar, open to the public has a lovely view of the spire of All Souls and free potato chips. When finished, retrace your steps to the Oxford Circus tube station.

I had tried to find out the things that is recommended, but I did it by myself, it's hard to follow all of things. orz...

2008年10月15日 星期三

Do something!

It was my writting and my teacher corrected it for me.

I admire the auther of Harry Potter. I would like to be talented like her. she has created an amazing novel. And it has became a film and not only one film! I was attracted by the film and was engaged to read the novel, but it's translated into chinese. Some sincere readers say, you should read the English version. I agree that, I should read the English version. And my friend who is from Hong Kong, is reading the series 1, she said she has to spend 20 minutes to read only one page, because she has to chenk the vocabulary!

2008年10月14日 星期二








話雖如此 但我煎的蛋成功了還是很高興

最後是使用油放下去 先熱鍋 再把蛋打下去 直接關掉瓦斯

等蛋不會粘鍋後再翻過來 然後開小火


看起來還不錯 但是有加水 目前都是買一大堆 cooking sauce

撐場面 真的要好吃的醬 要用熬的才行



這樣吃一樣的東西也不是辦法 但是說真的

肉好貴 買不下去 水果也是買不下去


2008年10月12日 星期日



一直吃吃吃 為何ㄋ

可能英文都沒啥進展 又不看書 整天上網

身邊又不認識正統英國人 只有認識筆友

進步太慢了 又沒有去找工作


比起來吃東西 真是簡單(不是指煮飯 是指把食物吃下去這件事)

又懶的動 這禮拜只做一次body combat

又不小心在忙一件小工作 不能專心去做body combat..


2008年10月9日 星期四



我只有一個鍋子 一個平底鍋



這樣我還能把飯搞定 還是糙米喔


超麻煩 把米洗好 先浸水兩小時


用慢水熬1小時 orz....


好吃 可以考慮以馬鈴薯為主食



再來個泡麵 發現太多已經來不及了 只好硬吃下去


緬甸室友請我吃的 說好吃

其實麵皮一點都不Q 她們還說這不是中國食物喔 是義大利的 ㄘㄟˋ

還好不是 台灣食物好吃多了

比較接近餛飩ㄅ 我想 但餛飩Q多了 OK!!(翻白眼)


這道真的大成功!! 飯是Q的 醬是廣東醬 我以為是辣的 結果是甜的


蛋還是都會焦ㄟ.... orz

2008年10月8日 星期三


今天去malvern house 說要轉班 有點火大
那小姐說除非你有serious problem 不然不能轉班
屁拉 明明大家說想轉班就可以轉班 有什麼問題ㄇ
我不喜歡就不喜歡 我直接跟他說我不喜歡piccadilly centre

還說11點到2點是給新生的 new student
我就說我要9-12點的 她還在那邊裝

explain to me... 馬的

整個越來越火 你憑什麼整我 我整個臉很臭 眼睛瞪很大一直看她

我就跟她強調我同學都可以轉班 有什麼問題我不能轉班


她跟隔壁的說日文 不知道說什麼鬼 想整我門都沒有

要知道 如果她沒有讓我轉回 trafalgar centre 我是不會離開櫃檯的

下週一回去charing cross 上課

碼的piccadilly centre這邊是china town 我才不想走在這一區勒

來英國還看一堆中國字的餐廳 不想走在china town 謝謝喔 再連絡

2008年10月4日 星期六

I'm not social animal.

跟同學去Waterfowl of St. James's Park

卻不善交際 很愛冷場ㄟ你

很難開口說 來拍照ㄅ ㄏㄏ 我的style...orz...

20081002-dinner 咖哩雞肉義大利麵

The noodles of Chicken with Curry


我吃太多了 這是兩個人的份ㄅ!!

煮太多了!! 肉很好吃

五大塊 1.88英鎊 偶爾可以吃一下肉^^


飯還是很難吃ㄟ 是不是水加太少了

馬鈴薯跟胡蘿蔔超好吃的 ㄏㄏ 原來只要先水煮鹽水 煮爛之後


馬鈴薯四個只要0.5磅 就可以吃四天了

胡蘿蔔也是0.5磅 可以吃個五天



2008年10月1日 星期三


天阿 我居然在煮東西!!

一週10英鎊的花費 我也只能自己煮了

土司吃最差的 0.5英鎊一條 一週也要快4條

完全不吃外面的 什麼英式下午茶 麥當勞都吃不起!!

中午自己做三明治 帶到學校吃

20081001 - dinner

有肉了!! 原來鹽這麼神奇!! 加了鹽 肉就變甜美了!!

可是我雞肉沒什麼熟ㄟ 大概八分熟而已 下次改進!!


20080929 - dinner

第一次煮飯 連在家都沒煮過飯ㄟ

而且還是糙米喔 因為白米太貴了!!
