2008年10月21日 星期二

Black Tuesday!


Today, I felt upset. I paid something in the supermarket, used the auto service machine, I had not noticed and clicked the wrong buttom and then I lost 10 pounds. I just wondered but I had not checked again or ask the staff in the supermarket, so when I went home and asked my flatmates and she suggested me to back the supermart but it was too late.

And then, I decided today was my BLACK Tuesday, when I got angry or sad, I will drawing something. it's my friend, Grey's character. You see! Angry face as me. I putted my style on.
anyway I felt better. lol

I decided cutting my budget due to this reason. 8 pounds / per week SO TOUGH!


cooking sauce! 廣東醬 甜的
把麵煮滾之後 沖冷水 再煮滾一次 Q的不得了 超滿意!!


cooking sauce! SOSO


這專業了 用咖哩塊就是不一樣 但是貴

五塊就花了1.多磅 這次煮一塊 下次要久一點再用

我住在這裡附近 早上真的很恐怖 滿滿都是人 特別愛那時鐘 滿滿的復古味 不囉唆的請你走快點 ^^ 我可是在倫敦的死人骨頭貴的英國首都呢

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